Why all this fuss about Lee?
I don’t want him to come;
you didn’t tell me.
The aide was smearing goo on me,
I couldn’t come to the phone.
Why make such a fuss about Lee?
I won’t see him. Then where will you be?
Just because I’m in Dunham Home,
you don’t ask me?
You with your cake and strawberries.
I had a birthday in June,
but you make this fuss for Lee,
and just do what you please—
what’s it like? You-with-a-place-of-your-own.
Tell me. You tell me.
Lee’s got an apartment and Jo Jo kitty,
you took my cat to a farm.
Why all this fuss about Lee?
You tell me. You tell me!
Originally Appeared in The Healing Muse
Volume 11, 2011
Published by SUNY Upstate Medical University’s Center of Bioethics & Humanities
Editor: Deirdre Neilen, Ph.D.