A Chapbook of Poetry by Elinor Cramer
Published by Red Bird Chapbooks, 2015

This chapbook is a series of poems, with narratives of people and events in a co-operative apartment building.

Learn more and purchase on the publisher’s website

She Is a Pupa, Soft and WhiteShe Is a Pupa, Soft and White
A Book of Poetry by Elinor Cramer
Published by WordTech Communications, 2011

Learn more on the publisher’s website
Available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, or your local independent bookstore.

“…[This] is a book of quiet wonder that fits clearly into the outline of a story but with such preternatural precision and clarity that it not only transforms the reader’s emotions but also entices difficult knowledge about life…”
–Judith Harris, author of The Bad Secret, Atonement, and Signifying Pain, a critical book

Canal Walls Engineered So Carefully They Still Hold Water
A Chapbook of Poetry by Elinor Cramer
Published by Valley Press, 2010

Contact Elinor for more information & purchase